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What is the process of fertilization in women?

In women, as a result of various hormonal changes and other bodily changes egg develops within the follicle. When the egg matures; it is released from the follicle and is collected by fallopian tube to be moved towards the uterus. The egg is then ripe for getting fertilized and if the quality of cervical mucus is proper ensuring free flow of sperms in uterus, and the quality of the sperm is undiminished, the fertilization takes place.

What causes Female infertility?

Infertility in female can be due to various reasons and the treatment procedures and the processes that we consider at our Ridge IVF female infertility treatment center is based on the in-depth analysis of the diagnostic report of the patient. Some of the conditions that cause female infertility include the following:

  • Ovulatory problems including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Fibroids
  • Tubal Blockage
  • Age and fertility
  • Unexplained infertility

How is female infertility treated?

female infertility Treatment Delhi

  • The approach at our female infertility treatment centre is strictly based upon the merit of the diagnostic reports. Our experts are highly qualified and know how to resist the temptation of jumping on to any conclusion. They focus on the medical evidences and start the treatment procedure basis the diagnosed condition that causes infertility in women. Below are some major conditions that relate to infertility in women and the approach to treatment for the same.

  • In normal circumstances, fallopian tubes pick up the released egg and help to move it towards uterus. Damage to the tubes may impede transport of egg. Tubal blockage can result from any infection which travels up to the tube from neck of womb, or uterus or from peritoneal cavity. If fluid collects in the fallopian tube it may be toxic to embryo. Hence if fluid seen in the tube, tube is clipped or removed.

  • Such problems can occur as result of hormonal imbalance. The imbalance may arise either within the brain, pituitary gland or in the ovaries. Other associated causes are excessive weight loss, premature ovarian failure, excessive prolactin and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

  • Occasionally fibroids found within the cavity of womb and muscle of womb may cause difficulty in embryo growth. Thus fibroids are removed before starting the treatment.

  • In any women, advancing age mars the prospect of getting pregnant. Further the chances of conceiving and seeing through the pregnancy period successfully also decrease rapidly between 35 and 40 years of age. In addition, the chances of miscarriage double as the age advances. Miscarriage can also be due to abnormal chromosomes in the fertilized egg and the same is attributed to the advancing age of the patient.

  • Unexplained Infertility refers to cases in which the standard infertility testing has not found a cause for the failure to conceive. Unexplained infertility affects 15% of infertile couples. It tends to be a diagnosis based on exclusion. You may be said to have unexplained fertility if you cannot conceive in spite of the following:

    • Normal ovulation
    • Open and healthy fallopian tubes
    • No signs of pelvic adhesions
    • No presence of endometriosis
    • The partner is healthy and fertile

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