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How is Infertility Treated at Ridge IVF?

The main challenges of the process of treatment of infertility in a couple are with correct diagnosis and treatment of the female partner. The process of diagnosis and the complex structure of the reproductive system both make it tough for the doctors to correctly ascertain the underlying problem and start the correct treatment.

However, we at Ridge IVF have quality experts with years of experience who are adept with the diagnosis process and recognizing the condition at early stage. This also helps us in delivering best results in treating infertility. Some of the basic infertility workup that is generally required as the diagnostic and pre IVF process includes the following.

Baseline Hormone Investigations

How Hormonal Investigation Helps in Treating Infertility?

This investigation is conducted on the samples collected between cycle days 1 to 5 and is to determine the levels of various hormones present in the body at that time. This test is also conducted in tandem with Trans-Vaginal ultrasound scans and various other tests including Thyriod function, prolactin level test and blood test to determine the level of FSH, AMH, LH and E2.

Among the aforementioned tests, the relevance of Trans-Vaginal ultrasound scan lies in the fact that it is important to check the condition of the uterus and Ovaries. It is also greatly used for the counting of Antral Follicle. In the process, the structure of the uterus and problematic conditions, if any, such as abnormal pelvic growths, cramps, extra bleeding or lack of menstrual flow is determined and located. For some cases, the experts require viewing a better picture of the uterus and thus they conduct saline infusion sonography instead of Trans Vaginal ultrasound. Further, it also determines the fertility potential of the female by facilitating the process of AFC (Antral Follicle Count).


How Blocked or Dilated Uterus Condition is Diagnosed?

The blockage or dilation present inside the uterus is easily detected using the hysterosalpingogram. It is also conducted to reveal any other type of defects in the uterus such as blocked fallopian tube or any type of infection in the tube. This X-Ray technique also finds great usage for detecting an injury, polyps, abnormal structure or shape of the uterus or any type of adhesion or abnormal growth inside the structure. In addition, it is also useful in determining the success of any surgery inside the structure.


What is Hysteroscopy and how it helps in treating infertility?

In the process a hysteroscope is used for internal examination of the uterus. The process is used view clear and close details of the interior of the uterus. In women, where the doctors have earlier diagnosed the problem to be in the womb, the process of hysteroscopy is carried out. This process, depending upon the nature of the problem to be diagnosed, is usually carried out under local or general anesthesia. The doctors also use some gas or fluid to inflate the uterus ensuring a better view. In almost all the cases, women recover from the hysteroscopy within a day and can resume their normal activities.


Why Laparoscopy is Used in Diagnosing and Treating the Uterus Conditions?

This is a minimally invasive surgical process that is carried out on women who need to be diagnosed for the presence of conditions such as endometriosis, fallopian tube abnormalities and other abnormalities of the uterus including fibroids tumors and problems with ovaries. This process is conducted through a hole in the belly button. In addition, the process is not only diagnostic in nature; rather, the doctors at Ridge IVF also correct the defects, if any, through laparoscopy surgery.

Immunological Tests

What Immunological tests are Carried out for Treatment of Female Infertility?

On the basis of the health condition of the couple, experts at Ridge IVF also conduct several immunological tests. These tests are carried out on both the partners and the results are used to ascertain the root cause of the problem. Along with these tests, blood test, test for TSH, LH, FSH and Progesterone (P4) is also conducted over the patient. In cases where there is a history of miscarriages and the exact reasons have not been ascertained for the miscarriages, LAC (Lupus Anticogulant) and ACL (Lupus anti-cardiolipin) are also been conducted over the subject.

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