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Short Embryology & Andrology Training Course

Duration: 3 Month
Course Fee: 50,000 INR

Day 1-10:

  • Basic Equipment involved in Andrology & Embryology.
  • Semen Analysis & Sperm Morphology Assessment (Observation)

Day 11-20:

  • Semen Analysis (Observation) and hands-on with proper labeling of samples and droppers
  • Semen Preparation for IUI, ICSI & IVF (Observation)
  • Semen Cryo-Preservation Techniques (Theory & Practical Observation)

Day 21-30:

  • Semen Analysis (Observation and Hands-On)
  • Semen Preparation for IUI and catheter loading (Observation & Hands-On)
  • Semen Cryo-Preservation (Hands-On)

Day 31-50:

  • Semen Analysis (Hands-On)
  • Semen Cryo-Preservation. (Hands-On)
  • Semen Preparation for IUI, ICSI & IVF (Hands-On)
  • Documentation of reports

Day 51-60:

  • Semen Analysis & Morphology Assessment (Hands-On)
  • Semen Cryo-Preservation (Hands-On) & Vial Labelling
  • Documentation of reports and frozen samples.

Day 61-70:

  • Semen Analysis (Hands-On)
  • Semen Preparation for IUI, ICSI & IVF (Hands-On)
  • Donor Sample Thawing (Observation) and Preparation for IUI-D(Hands-On)
  • Documentation

Day 71-80:

  • Semen Analysis and Thawing of Donor Sample and Cryo-Preservation sample (Hands-On)
  • Equipment in the embryology lab
  • Embryology / Andrology lab maintenance

Day 81-90:

  • Media keeping for IVF
  • Stock keeping
  • Consumables in IVF lab

Basic Course in Embryology & Andrology

Duration: 6 months
No. of Seats: 05
Course Fee: 1,00,000 INR

The purpose of this course is to understand and learn the basic skills in the development and differentiation of human gametes (oocyte/sperm), analysis of semen parameters, and pre-implantation embryos through lectures and hands-on laboratory training.

The participants will be taught the principle biology background of the development of gametes and preimplantation embryos in the lecture. In the lab, the participants will use human immature oocytes that are not suitable for reproduction purposes for in vitro maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and in vitro culture (IVC). The trainees will learn the grading of oocytes and embryos.


MD, MSC in Clinical Embryology/ Post Graduate in Life Sciences/Biotechnology.

Selection Criteria

Candidates will be selected based on their qualifications and experience in the area of human reproduction. A simple objective type of test will be carried out and selection will be made depending on the merit.


  • Human Reproduction
  • Male and Female Reproductive organs
  • Anatomic anomalies
  • Gametogenesis
  • Endocrinology of Reproduction
  • Reproductive Genetics
  • Conception and Implantation
  • Early embryo development and related anomalies


  • DNA concept overview
  • Mendelian Inheritance
  • Chromosomal sex determination
  • Mosaicism
  • Mitochondrial disorders
  • Genomic imprinting
  • Molecular diagnostic techniques

Introduction to Clinical Embryology

  • IVF Lab setup
  • Aseptic culture techniques and infection control
  • Patient and sample identification
  • Record keeping and Documentation
  • Ovarian Stimulation
  • QC and QA in the Embryology Lab

IVF Lab procedures (Theory & Practical Observation and Hands-On)

  • Media and Consumables
  • Gamete Handling
  • Semen Preparation Methods
  • Insemination
  • Micromanipulation (ICSI)
  • Fertilization Check
  • PN Scoring, Embryo Grading, Embryo Transfer
  • Logbook Maintenances

Cryopreservation (Theory & Practical Observation and Hands-On)

  • The basic principle of slow freezing and vitrification
  • Sperm freezing
  • Oocyte and embryo vitrification
  • Thawing/warming

Ethics in Clinical Embryology

  • Historical overview of ART
  • National Regulation on ART
  • ART Guidelines
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Research and Future Developments

Practical: (Practical Observation and Hands-On)

  • Equipment maintenances
  • Microscope use
  • Handling of Gametes
  • Semen preparation for IUI, IVF, and ICSI
  • Sperm Morphology Test
  • Dish preparation for the IVF/ICSI cases
  • Insemination for IVF
  • Denudation
  • Fertilization Check
  • Embryo Grading
  • Embryo biopsy – Invasive & Non-Invasive
  • Embryo loading and Transfer
  • Vitrification
  • Thawing

Assessment Criteria

  • A written test
  • Tests for practical competence (hand skills, laboratory book documentation, quizzes)
  • A small project and presentation

Advanced ART Course in Clinical Embryology & Andrology Training Course

Duration: 1 year
Seats: 05
Course Fee: 1,50,000 Rs


The objectives of this course are to provide:

  • Up-to-date knowledge in the areas of human and animal embryology.
  • The skills required for working in IVF and micromanipulation laboratories.
  • An appreciation of the ethics towards human-assisted reproduction.
  • Integration of the clinical and scientific aspects of ART.
  • Project work/Thesis /Dissertation

Course Structure

The fellowship program is a full-time laboratory-based training course. Human oocytes will be used as models for practical work. The fellowship program is designed to provide students with comprehensive academic, clinical, and hands-on laboratory skills in the field of reproductive embryology. The course will comprise lectures, practicals, journal clubs, presentations, and project work. It provides both didactic and self-directed teaching at both clinical and research laboratories.

Course Duration

One Year

Eligibility Criteria

This fellowship course is available to Post-graduates in Medicine, Post Graduates in M.Sc. Clinical Embryologist/Post Graduate in Life Science/Biotechnology.

  • M.S. / M.D. (Republic of India and MCI accredited) – Gynaecology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Microbiology.
  • Postgraduates in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology, etc.
  • Possession of Foreign Qualification (M.D. in Gynaecology, Post Graduate in Basic Sciences) which enables the student to practice in any form of medical practice in his country/ departments as per Association of Indian University Rules.

Basic Embryology

  • Reproductive Organs: Male and Female (anatomy)
  • Gametogenesis
  • Meiosis and Mitosis
  • Fertilization
  • Preimplantation Embryo Development (Normal and Abnormal)
  • Genetics of embryo development
  • Implantation
  • Placentation
  • Organogenesis
  • Basic Genetics: Karyotypes, Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Inheritance

Infertility and its Clinical Management

  • Ovulation physiology
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • Human Reproduction and Endocrinology
  • Natural cycle
  • Ovarian Stimulation Protocols
  • OHSS
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriages
  • Surrogacy

Basic Andrology (Theory & Practical Observation and Hands-On)

  • Semen Composition
  • Structure of Sperm
  • Semen Analysis as per WHO Criterion 2020
  • Male Factor in Infertility
  • Andrology Lab set up
  • Semen Preparation Methods for IUI, IVF, ICSI
  • Semen Cryopreservation: Raw or Processed
  • Sperm Survival & Morphology Test
  • Sperm Chromatin assessment Tests (DFI)
  • Donor Sperm program

In Vitro Fertilization, Embryo Culture (Theory & Practical Observation and Hands-On)

  • Laboratory Set Up
  • Good laboratory practices
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Culture media
  • Handling and culturing of Gametes and Embryos
  • Different types of cultural systems
  • In vitro Fertilization and Micromanipulation
  • Grading of Oocytes and Embryos
  • Laser Assisted Hatching, IMSI, PICSI
  • Embryo Biopsy -Invasive & Non-Invasive
  • Embryo Transfer
  • Pregnancy

Cryopreservation (Theory & Practical Observation and Hands-On)

  • Principles of slow freezing and vitrification
  • Techniques of semen, oocyte, embryo, and blastocyst freezing
  • Freezing media and storage devices
  • Long-term storage systems
  • Maintenance and auditing storage
  • Thawing survival and pregnancy results

Quality Control and Laboratory Maintenances

  • Managing Patient Data
  • Record keeping
  • Coding, Identification Procedures for gametes and Embryos
  • Monitoring Performance, Index Variables
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Traceability
  • Logbooks
  • Biostatistics
  • ART Legislation, ART Guidelines
  • Risks in ART Lab
  • Practical training in all the aspects related to embryology
  • Project report on actual cases on any topic related to ART


Assessment is via a range of methods, encompassing:

  • Tests for practical competence (hand skills, laboratory book documentation, ability to complete small projects, quizzes)
  • Theoretical knowledge (2500 and 3000-word essays, written examinations, critical reviews, data presentation, including statistical interpretation in abstracts and posters
  • A research project (literature review, research plan, undertaking and writing up of the research project (up to 7000 words) and presentation of a poster)
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